Quick Quote form

The best way to get a quick and accurate quote for your property is to complete our easy 5 minute form and we’ll send you a quote.

Want an accurate quote within 24H?

Choose your preferences below, and we'll send you a quote - it takes just 5 minutes.

Rather than endlessly browse online for gates, parts, accessories, hardware and get totally confused. Contact us and we’ll discuss the options for a gate solution that suits YOUR property and desires.

Complete our form below, it takes less than 5 minutes and this will provide us with the necessary information to provide a quote for your perfect gate system.

"*" indicates required fields

I'm interested in (Select as many as applicable)*
I want my gate:*
Desired height of gate:*
Measure the total width of the opening, that you wish to have the gate cover. (This figure does not have to be precisely accurate at this stage - we will always confirm the precise measurement with you before an order is placed)
I'm interested in these styles of gate*
(Click/tap as many images as applicable to select)
I'm also interested in - select as many as you like.
If you're a confident DIY'er, or have a trades person you would prefer to use, we can simply supply all the hardware you need. Or we can manage the entire installation for you.
Whats your time frame?*
Most of our product are stocked ready to ship or collect, and if not the lead time vary's from 2-7 weeks)
(Optional - this can speed up our quoting process)
Let us know about any other details or questions you may have.
Your personal information will only be used to service your enquiry. We will only contact you with relevant information. For further information view our full Privacy Policy.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Still unsure? Let us help you choose the best gate system for your property.

Rather than endlessly browse online for gates, parts, accessories, hardware and get totally confused. Contact us and we’ll discuss the options for a gate solution that suits YOUR property and desires.

Product Enquiry Form

"*" indicates required fields

Your personal information will only be used to service your enquiry. We will only contact you with relevant information. For further information view our full Privacy Policy.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.